Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mommy Crack

After reading yesterday's miserably short and uninteresting post, my cousin Megan sent me a link to an unpublished draft of "Midnight SUn", which is the first half of Twilight, from Edward's perspective. So I was thrilled, because I had just been thinking that Twilight would have been really interesting from Edward's point of view.
Megan correctly pointed out that these books are "mommy crack." I have to admit that I got almost no work done today, because I read Midnight Sun. And it was good.

But I don't quite believe the story that author Stephenie Meyer gives for how it ended up on the internet. On her site, where she sells books. She says that the draft was leaked, and that she is pissed, and disappointed and blah, blah, blah,
and to save her fans the guilt and anguish of looking for an unauthorized version, she decided to post it on her website.
I'm not buying it, Stephenie Meyer, but I would have if you were selling it. And I thank you for posting it, it's very generous, I loved every page of it. Tomorrow, I am going to buy the third and fourth books, so I can get them out of my system over the weekend.

Is there some sort of rehab for this?

1 comment:

  1. The only rehab is your very own Edward, which you may be pretty close to already. I would like to have my own Edward.

    Poor men, they really have someone that they have to measure up to.

    I'm glad you're loving it. I may just read them again.
