Monday, July 12, 2010

The foot in my mouth

Last week I went camping near my friend Erica. We were on independent camping trips, but we were camped close to each other and we spent some time visiting and admiring each others' dogs.

One night I asked Erica why she hated children, which was my way of asking why she chose not to be a mom. In all honesty, I am not even sure she did choose not to be a mom. Anyway, she sorta answered me and I guess I was satisfied, but then, as I fell asleep that night I began to sober up, and I realized that I may have been very insensitive.
So the next day, I said, "Hey, I am sorry I grilled you about not having kids." I explained that what I should have said, what was in my heart, was that Erica is just so awesome and I think she should share who she is with another generation. She is artistic, funny, outrageous,independent and smart, and I think more children should be like Erica. I want my child to be like Erica.
Erica said she wasn't offended and I believe her. She has known me for a long time and she is used to what a tool I can be.
And we went rafting and we had fun.

But I got to thinking, Howcome no one ever walks up to women who clearly should NOT have had children and asks them about their decision to reproduce. No one says, "Why do you hate condoms?"


  1. Just catching up on blogs today and you win the "made me laugh and spit food on my computer screen" award.

    Still chuckling. I'm going to think of that EVERY TIME I walk through Walmart.

  2. KC,

    I have been absent for awhile, for which I profusely apologize.

    I think I picked a good day to return.
    I think that very thought several times a day.

    Mostly it just made me smile. A lot.
