Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's 2012

So this is the year that the world might end. I am going to pretend it isn't going to end, because really, it's just too depressing to think otherwise.

Did you know that if you google "Wintergreen alcohol and aspirin", the first result is my blog? I've contributed to the greater good! Maybe sometime soon I will make a recipe/ tutorial for the magic salve. I think we are getting low.

I've discovered Pinterest. Pinterest is like a magazine... just photos and links that you can browse through. If a photo interests you, you can “pin” it to one of your “boards” which everyone can see. It also seems to be the place to go to plan a wedding. I get the feeling that the average Pinterester is a 26 year-old single girl who hasn’t yet had her dreams squashed. It’s kinda neat to see what she thinks her life might be like: trips to the Maldives, a beautiful home with furniture covered in chalkboard paint, fancy cupcakes for school field trips, scrapbooks filled with expertly posed and photoshopped family photos with just a hint of whimsy. Oh and smoky eyes.
I started using pinterest a few weeks ago, and it quickly evolved into a shopping list. I realized a few days ago that Pinterest could get expensive for me if I keep pinning all the outfits I like. Also, yesterday, I noticed that a lot of the aforementioned Young Pinners pinned a lot of things that I already have, or places I have already been, or things I already do. I thought, “Woo HOO! I’m living the dream!” So I made a board of things that I have that I need to appreciate. But then I thought it might be braggy. So now I don’t know how I feel about Pinterest and how it can fit into my life.
The holidays are over. I can declare that because we have visited all four of our parents and my husband is taking the tree down today. One of the pros/cons of having divorced parents and being married to man with divorced parents is that Christmas isn’t a day, it’s a season. I don’t want to be the kind of person that complains about gifts, I really don’t. (Even though I do it every year) But how many pairs of microfiber slipper socks does one woman need? Five. Five is the answer.
My daughter is on her school’s robotics team. The team is part of FIRST, and organization started by Dean Kamen, who invented the Segway Human Transporter and the first portable dialysis machine among other things. The team designs and builds a robot that competes in a game. Each year, the game is different. All the teams across the country find out the rules of the game on the same day and have six weeks to design a robot to compete. This year’s kick-off is on Saturday. I found out at a parent meeting last night that for the next six weeks, my daughter will spend nearly every non-school hour in the robotics room, which means I will put many miles on my car and have many hours to kill. She will leave the house at 7 am and will not return until 7:30 pm. This must be what it’s like for parents of student athletes. I will spend the next few days scouring the internet, okay, Pinterest, looking for crock-pot recipes. I think I also need to get a programmable crock-pot so that my food doesn’t cook for 12 hours. Because I can barely tolerate crock-pot foods, let alone overcooked crock-pot foods.
The gym
For winter term, the university gave employees who aren’t active a membership to the student recreation center. When I signed up for it a few months ago, I thought it sounded like a good idea. Now that my membership has been activated, I am a little nervous about actually going. I do have all those after-school hours to kill, though. I will keep my blog updated with fitness reports because I know how riveting shit like that is to read.
Some things I’d like to do
New Years means resolutions, but I am horrible at keeping them, so I am just going to commit a list of things that I might like to do if I get around to it to the world wide web. First of all, my garage needs to be cleaned the fuck out. It scares me, because I know that there are mice and snakes in there. If I can get the garage cleaned, I will consider it the greatest single achievement in the history of garage cleaning.
I’d like to do something with my yarn stash. I’m inclined to make an afghan. I think this is a leftover thing I’d like to do from a year or two ago.
I want to get up just a few minutes earlier each day so that I am not late all the time. This seems like a really hard thing to do.
Maybe once a week I’d like to wear matching a bra that matches my panties. See where that takes me.
I want to be able to do some real pushups. Okay, one real pushup.

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