Friday, February 19, 2010

Photo Friday- 2/19/2010

I've got a couple photos to share today. The first one I maybe should have shared on Wednesday, since it is what we had for dinner on Ptomaine Wednesday. You may recall that I failed to try a new recipe. I had a meeting of one sort or another and so Spencer cooked dinner. Since it was a big Olympic night- halfpipe and short track, we wanted something we could eat without paying too much attention to our plate- so knives and forks were out. He chose nachos. Uninspired? Hardly. I think that Spencer has been secretly inspired by my culinary endeavors. Here is a photo.
You will see that he used black beans instead of refried beans, even though we had refried beans in the pantry. And do you see the Iron Chef ingredient? That's right, corn. Those are Santa Fe Nachos.

My love of all things Olympic has me in front of the TV for hours on end in the evening. I am fascinated by the events, but I find it difficult to just sit and watch. I needed something to do with my hands. So I started this project, a crochet tote bag, and I fully intend to complete it during the closing ceremonies. Isn't it marvelous? I can't remember having more fun crocheting. I love the cables and bobbles. I have the front completed.