Friday, February 26, 2010

Photo Friday- Parking Nazi edition

I tried my hand at adding text to these photos, but I see that it is too small. I think you can click on the pictures to embiggen them so that you can read my clever annotations.

Every once in a while, they have school on Fridays. It seems to happen about twice a month. On those days, I get to pick Madison up from school. On most other weekdays, Spencer picks her up. He and I have compared notes about what goes on in the parking lot and we have come to a conclusion: The school parking lot is not for the timid or weak-minded.

The lot where we park and wait for Madison is rectangular shaped. Cars park along either long end of the rectangle and in a row right down the middle. This leaves a "U" (or "O", but I will get to that later) shaped lane of travel, wide enough to accommodate two- way traffic. At 6 o'clock on the U, or O, is the chute through which the children emerge.
You can see that there is plenty of room to negotiate the turn. You may also notice that I have a good parking spot and think that I show up really early. Not so. For some reason, no one ever parks in this spot. For some reason, hardly anyone parks. Most of the other moms circle the parked cars like buzzards, trying to time their arrival at the chute with their child's. The SUV moms can see their kids coming. The more aggressive picker uppers make up their own parking space to the left of the Honda, above. The really aggressive ones mark to the left of that, which blocks the buzzards.(sorry that the windshield is all wet, but it is difficult to surreptitiously photograph someone directly in front of you)
Finally, the Taurus moved and the buzzards could resume circling.