Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

Day 7
This photograph happened when I tried to be all cool about recording the most exciting thing to happen to me (Well, near me) all day- maybe even in a week!
I was walking past the bookstore, when black t-shirt comes around the corner, cool as a cucumber, with a bag from the store. Then, all of a sudden, the guy on the left of him and the lady on his right start chasing after him, and the guy flashes a badge! He says, "Hey man, you have anything in that bag that you maybe forgot to pay for?" (and that was right when I was walking right in that spot!)
Well T-shirt admits that he's got hot goods in his bag, and as I left, they were walking back into the store.  But I did not leave before I unabashedly pulled out my phone to take a picture. Because undercover student cops, just like 21 Jump Street!

1 comment:

  1. That's happened to me no less than 7 times at Walmart. And the thugs the WalCops are always chasing are Ukrainian. It seems they always choose my door to run out of and I get caught up in the hubbub.

    How cool you're doing a 365 project. I hope you don't peter out in the summer.
