Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I hope.

Today I interviewed for a new job, a Program Specialist at the university near my home.
I applied for this job over a month ago, and heard back from them about a week ago- about three days after I had assumed that they had found someone else.
I can't tell you how badly I want this job.
The interview, I think, went well. I was in the room with three tenured professors and two office ladies. I think I made strong connections with the office ladies. I think I impressed upon all of them how quickly I can learn. I mostly listened to them tell me about the job, and speak as if it were already mine.
I know I was the first interview, and I know they called at least one of my references this morning. I know there was at least one other lady in the lobby waiting to be interviewed as I left.
I hope I wasn't overdressed. I wore a black suit and a beautiful pair of burgundy patent heels, to which I wish I would have given a more thorough test-run- I had to stop in the ladies room on my way to the interview and stuff toilet paper in the toes to keep my heels from slipping out.
I hope they read my resume and my cover letter. They didn't have copies with them, but I supplied them. There were a lot of things on paper that I may not have had the chance to detail verbally.
I hope my friend Erica is right when she says that interviews are just to make sure you aren't crazy. It sure seemed like it. They asked vague questions from a list that Human Resources had given them. I tried to sound very sane and reasonable when I answered.
I hope that I did not misinterpret the "I like you a LOT" twinkle in one of the office ladies eyes as I left. It was such a warm look that I could have hugged her.
I hope to hear from them today or tomorrow.
I hope.

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