Friday, April 15, 2011

Speaking of unimaginable foulness...

A couple weeks ago, we noticed that we have mice in the garage and attic, as we do every Spring. (next month: ants!)
So I bought D-Con, which they ate, as they do every Spring. But this year, something new. One of the bastards went in a wall to die. Usually they stagger out into the back yard or the driveway.

The stench in my computer room is impressive. I've opened the window and plugged in a Scentsy and closed the door. I wondered how long it takes for a mouse to decay, so I googled it, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that many, many people have asked the internet before me. The consensus is that it takes a week or so, and short of ripping out the wall, there isn't much to do but wait it out and try various combinations of sprays, vinegar, coffee grounds and baking soda. I've noticed the smell for a couple days, I remember on Wednesday giving the dog and cat disapproving looks because I thought one of them had took a hidden dump somewhere. By yesterday, my husband had identified the smell..."That's something dead." And today, it's really bad but it seems to be confined to one room.

So I'm off to buy Lysol. Maybe I'll pick up some ant traps while I am out.

1 comment:

  1. There is a definite odor of death in our hallway closet. After a cursory and unsuccessful search for the source, I am taking the do-nothing-and-wait-for-it-to-dissapate approach. I still hold my breath when I open that door to grab a coat, so I don't know if it still reeks of rotting flesh. Will you tell me if I smell like gangrene?
