Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Bootstrap Initiative

I'd like to start a worldwide campaign to put an end to a crippling condition: helplessness.

I have had enough of hearing excuses for people's lack of production. I often hear, "I shouldn't drive, I don't know how to get there". Well in this day and age of Google maps and GPS, there is no excuse. You don't need to know how to take compass readings to navigate our freeways. Those green signs are pretty easy to read. But even if you can't read, pictographs are provided.

I hear, "My computer is acting funny, I'm just not into technology". Or, "I'm afraid I will get a virus" or any number of complaints about an uncooperative computer.
Here is the problem with your computer: Operator Error.
But don't despair, you can fix it. YOU CAN. You can copy and paste error codes into your google search bar and PRESTO! solutions will be revealed. If you fucked up your computer so bad that you can't use the internet, head on over to any bookstore or library and buy or borrow any applicable "For Dummies" book.
Yes, (mom,) I know that real computer problems, such as lack of memory do exist. That's not what I am talking about. I am fed up with people shirking responsibilites and blaming it on Bill Gates.

I hear "I'm not very good at ____". Well you aren't going to get any better unless you get off your ass and do it.

Which I guess brings me to my point. If you can read, you can learn anything. If you can learn it, you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. I'm not interested in your excuses, however there are few acceptable excuses for temporary bouts of helplessness: major illness, language barriers, incarceration, early infancy, abject poverty. None of these can't be overcome- except incurable illness, I guess.

So how do I go about getting the helpless on the path to independence?

1 comment:

  1. a cure for cancer would be nice. think of all the people would be un-helpless if they were cancer free!

