Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday: Sometimes it's what I don't do that is thoughful.

Every Thursday morning, I begin my day by thinking that I must try, really try to be thoughtful.
The best I could do today was this:

When I got to work, I exited my car and headed for the back door to the office. Another woman was in the covered parking area at the same time as me, walking to her office. She was a woman about my age. Maybe it was her first time wearing high heels, or perhaps she was wearing genuine clogs from Holland, I don't know, I couldn't see her feet. I do know that she sounded EXACTLY like a shod horse as she clippity-clopped along. And the thoughtful thing I did was to refrain from whinnying at her. It was a struggle.

1 comment:

  1. thoughtfulness by ommission - it's a start.
