Friday, March 12, 2010

Some folks make a good living drawing these kinds of pictures.

I love it when parents share the artwork that their kids produce. My friend April has shared some really inspirational drawings that her kids made. I thought I would share what my kid can do.
She has recently started drawing "Thumbthings", little characters that are thumbs. The thumbs have different personalities, which are expressed through their thumb clothes and thumb expressions. Here are some thumbthings.
Here, a banker, a robber, and a cowboy.
a woman with a beehive and a smartass guy.

At first, her father and I didn't point out the obvious. but the Thumbthings kept coming and coming, and eventually she was going to put one in a hardhat, so we had to tell her that her thumbthings, although very cute, look like wieners.

She was pretty embarrassed, but how was she supposed to know, right? She's never seen a wiener.

But, she has seen poo. Which is why we couldn't believe that THIS is what she turned in for a science project. The assignment was to make up an animal and give it a latin name based on its characteristics. Here is Madison's Lizardus Harja (hairy lizard)