Friday, June 29, 2007

He wants to be your President.

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is running for President. I don't know much about him, other than he organized the Salt Lake City Olympics and he seems to be somewhat impaired in the smarts department.
I swear this is true. In 1983, he loaded the presumably large Mormon family into the station wagon and set out from Boston on a 12 hour trip to Ontario. The Romney kids couldn't leave the family dog behind, so he packed Seamus the Irish Setter into his PetPorter....and strapped it to the roof of the car.
At some point during the trip, Russ, or one of the other Romney kids, noticed Seamus diarrhea running down the windows. Mitt pulled in to a service station, hosed down the car, (problem solved!) and headed for Canada.
Oh, he also used the incident to illustrate his "emotion free crisis management" in an interview with the Boston Globe.
I pray he doesn't have an Aunt Edna.

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