Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A mindbump to get things going again

After my long weekend off, I found myself at a loss for things to blog about, so I returned to mindbump.com, where I got this prompt.

mindbump suggested by Spelling Search

"If tomorrow morning you woke up ten years younger, what would be the first thing that you would do?"

Is it terrible that I wouldn't quit smoking? That when I think of myself 10 years ago, I fondly remember being a thin smoker?

I would get my daughter's Turner Syndrome diagnosis right away so that she could start growth hormone treatment as soon as possible.

I would enjoy my big dog-free back yard... maybe plant a garden.

I would pick a major and go back to college.

What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. I would have started pilates, so I wouldn't be in the shape I am in now.
