Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things I learned this week- slippery slope edition

Hmmm.... where was I?

Oh that's right, Sunday.

I've had a busy weekend and there's no rest for me in the foreseeable future. The number one thing I learned this week is really something I already knew about myself- that if I don't keep up on something, if I let it go just a little bit, it all goes to hell. This is how my sink gets overfull of dirty dishes, how my pool turns green, how all the little things get neglected. So I need to get back to daily blogging, no matter how inane my days are.

What else did I learn last week?

It all went by so fast, I can hardly remember. I guess I learned the value of a good nap.

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, need you to blog daily - my 'day' just won't get moving without you.
