Saturday, February 13, 2010


I love the Olympics. I am super excited for the next two weeks. I am especially looking forward to the 17th, when half pipe starts. Louie Vito is my Olympic boyfriend this go-round. I had to break up with my previous Olympic boyfriend, Apolo Ohno, because he dropped his middle name and went Hollywood. Also, have you seen that NyQuil commercial?Terrible. And I get the feeling that he might not be my type... if you know what I mean. So I'm done wasting my time with him.
Even though I won't be emotionally invested in short track this year, I will be looking forward to all of the speed skating events, particularly Steven Colbert's Vancouver reports.
I'll be watching the luge, of course. I think they ought to just give gold medals to anyone who has the guts to get on that track.
I always say that I am not that interested in the figure skating, but by the time it rolls around, I am spellbound by the chiffon princesses.
I heard Wayne Gretzky say that the best thing for hockey in North America would be a USA vs Canada final. I think that would be terrific, and I like Wayne Gretzky, so I am going to hope for that.
I also really, really, really like Bob Costas. I could do without Chris Collinsworth and I can take or leave Mary Carillo.

1 comment:

  1. Short track skating rocks. Best racing ever. Even if you ex-boy is a little, you know....
