Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ole Ole Ole

Soccer season started today in Albany, Oregon. About one hour after dawn, SUVs and pickup trucks began filling the gravel parking lot at the city park near the airport. Parents filed across the wet grass to secure a good spot on the sidelines. Players searched out their teammates and began passing their balls back and forth. The balls bogged down in the freshly mowed grass and were followed by small rooster tails.
As game time neared, I dug my whistle and stopwatch out of my bag and removed sweatpants to reveal my referee's shorts and socks. I left my jacket on as long as possible. I asked my daughter to be a linesman, which she was thrilled to do. I think the coaches may have questioned that assignment, as Madison is about as tall as their 7 and 8 year old players, but she is almost 12, and a stickler for rules.
I checked the players' shoes and shinguards, and made sure they weren't wearing any jewelry. I made my same old joke about removing belly button piercings, and they all laughed.
The game came and went rather uneventfully. I only had to stop it once for tears- a redheaded defender had to pee real bad. I think the Daisies bested the Petunias 4-3, but I am not exactly sure since we don't keep score. Everyone's a winner!
I thanked my young linesman for a job well done as we walked to the regulation size Under 14 field for her game.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a special someone to be a ref - especially when you're sporting the official shorts.
