Thursday, June 11, 2009

I've got this nagging pain...

I don't know how in the world it happened, but I am a nag. I nag my kid about homework and practicing her clarinet. I nag her about finishing chores she hasn't even started. I nag at work. I nag the nurse, I nag the doctor, I nag the patients. I nag the girl scouts, and I really nag their mothers. I have to nag them about meetings and supplies and permission slips and field trips. I nag the ESA ladies about meetings, and forms and more meetings and events and carpools and reports and due dates.

I've tried to stop sending out emails about when the next meeting is. If I do not nag, girl scouts will not show up, and ESA ladies will send me an email (so I get 6) asking if we have a meeting this week. People have come to depend on my nagging.

So you would think that I am on top of things, since I have all this time to remind others of what they should be doing, right? Well you would be wrong. I have access to a state of the art tool that no one else seems to be able to find yet, I guess it is still in "beta" or something- a calendar.
Here is how it works: When I am notified of a due date for a project, or an event I would like to attend, or a meeting... I make a notation in the corresponding box on the calendar. Sounds easy, right? I think so, but apparently it's tougher than it seems. I suspect the tricky part for many people is actually looking at the calendar.

I've found a neat solution to that problem. I use (and highly recommend) Google Calendar and Tasks, which I sync with my blackberry. I use my blackberry as an alarm clock. Every morning at 5:30, while I sleep, Google sends my daily agenda to my blackberry, which wakes me up an hour later. I check my agenda before I ever get out of bed, and I know what is happening after work, what bills are due, and where my kid needs to be.

I think that if I can keep track of my schedule, anyone can keep track of theirs. I am not a particularly organized person... I just don't have anyone to nag me.

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