Friday, June 5, 2009

A real hero

Oh how I love "David after the Dentist", the You Tube sensation that swept the nation a few months ago. The video stars David, who appears to be 5 or 6, in the back seat of his dad's car, after a visit to the dentist. It appears that David was sedated for his procedure, and is still "waking up" in the car. He acts silly, and asks funny questions, and his dad has the presence of mind to videotape it.
Now I can assure you that if my child were as funny as David, I would absolutely tape it. And if the tape turned out as funny as David's, I would probably share it on YouTube... unless I sent it in to America's Funniest Home Videos to try to profit. David's father was criticized for posting the video by people who, I figure: 1. Don't have kids, 2. Have no sense of humor, or 3. Have never had their perceptions chemically altered.

Five months later, Bill O'Reilly jumps on the bandwagon and decides to call out David's father for exploiting his own child. O'Reilly compares him to a mother who videotaped herself exhaling marijuana smoke into her infant's face. (That mother was charged with a criem, and lost custody of her baby.)
O'Reilly thought David's video was in such bad taste that he has shown it twice now, in its entirety, on his show. To shame David's father. For being exploitative.

Today, David's father, who is also named David, was on the show, to defend himself. He was normal, rational, and even-tempered. When O'Reilly warned him to "be careful what you put on on tape" because they could come back to haunt his kid later in life, David took the high road, and did not mention the "falafel" tape that O Reilly made. Or the "We'll do it live" tape that O'Reilly made. This guy is my new hero.

Thumbs up to you, David DeVore.

1 comment:

  1. the dictionary defines exploitation as "use, or utilization, especially for profit."
    One might ask then, who is it that is exploiting little David? If it is the proud papa, then aren't we all guilty when we proudly display wallet photos of our exceptionally beautiful grandchildren? Or, is it perhaps O'Reilly, who has hijacked this simple posting for his cause of the day because he has nothing better to say and needs the ratings?
