Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My two cents

mindbump suggested by The Occasional Editorialist

"They say that money can't buy happiness. Do you believe this to be true?"

I don't believe money can buy happiness, I think that subject has been covered. I have noticed that a lot of the miserable people I deal with lack jobs and money, so I have come to the conclusion that the lack of money, when material desire is still present, leads to unhappiness. I do not think I am making any groundbreaking assertions here.
There are happy rich people, and happy poor people, and miserable rich bastards and miserable poor bastards. Obviously, then, money can't buy happiness. But it can buy peace of mind, and stability, and little luxuries that can bring joy to an otherwise bad day.

I am reminded of a time a few years back when my stepsister was having marriage troubles. I asked how things were going, and she said, "You know that Ann Murray song... (singing) 'Even though we ain't got money- I'm so in love with you, honey"
"Yeah" I said, thinking to myself that she is such a Good Person who always has a Positive Attitude.
"I am so tired of that f-ing song."

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