Monday, December 21, 2009

8 Christmas gifts I remember

Today, I thought I ought to come up with 8 things about Christmas. There were a few directions I could have taken this, but I decided after about 30 seconds of intense deliberation that I will share 8 gifts that I have received that I can remember. At this very second, I am wondering if I can do it. Here we go:

* My mother gave me an oil painting of my daughter, I think it might be my only prized possession. It's the only "thing" that I can think of that I would grab if the house were on fire.

* The first gift that ever brought tears to my eyes was from my sister-in-law, a waitress who saved her tips all year for Christmas presents. Usually, that meant she didn't have a lot of money to spend at Christmas, but one year, she had a really good year I guess. She gave me a print of the St. Mary's McGowan church where I was married, painted by watercolor artist Charles Mulvey.

* I remember I got a hair dryer one year from my mom. It must've been my first non-toy present- I remember thinking it was an odd Christmas gift, but I was excited because it seemed like a grown-up thing to have.

* I remember that 16 years ago, I was pretty certain that the box under the tree from Spencer was the sewing machine I had asked for. Instead, it was the stereo he had wanted.

* I got a sewing machine a couple years ago. I picked it out myself.

* 13 or 14 years ago, I was at my step-sisters house, and I admired her Christmas Village. She gave me the very same village that year.

(this point marks the end of the "easy ones")

* Madison sewed a hat for me last year. I love it.

* When I think back to my childhood Christmases, I remember that I always looked forward to gifts from my uncle Chris. He shopped at Radio Shack, and we got electronic gifts, like Merlin and a tape recorder.

These aren't necessarily my favorite gifts, or the most meaningful or anything like that. They are just 8 gifts that I can think of tonight.

Madison and I made bread dough this afternoon, but we didn't get it into the oven tonight. We will make a loaf tomorrow.

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