Friday, December 11, 2009

Apples to Apples

I can't remember if I have previously blogged about this, but just about every year our family gets a game or two as a Christmas gift. We always chuckle about the games for four or more players. Triploey, still in its plastic wrap, sure looks fun. Apples to Apples was unopened for a couple years, until Madison and I took it to a girl scout function, where we played it and had fun.
The game is played like this:
one player is the judge, and he turns over a green apple card, which has an adjective on it- Cheesy, for example. Each of the other players chooses one of the seven noun red apple cards from his hand to put before the judge. (pizza, mobsters, tacos, Albert Einstein, big toe) The judge selects the card he likes best.
I know it doesn't sound fun, but it really is.
We took it to Grandma's for Thanksgiving, and again, we had a great time, except we played with my 7 year old niece, and there were a lot of famous people that she hadn't heard of. I decided to buy Apples to Apples Junior to play when Madison's cousins come for Christmas.
Tonight, my girl scout troop came over for a Christmas party. We ate pizza and played Apples to Apples Junior, which was just as fun as the "senior" edition.

Maybe next year we will give Tripoley a try.

1 comment:

  1. You should play this with a bunch of adults "under the influence". Now that is FUN
