Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Caroling

Last night, Madison and I joined other girl scouts in Albany to go caroling in the neighborhood around the program center.

Caroling with young girls is very difficult, because they sing so high, but I really enjoy it because the girls sound so pretty when they sing Silent Night. Just like angels. I just hum the parts that I can't sing.

I also enjoy seeing our audience's reactions. Since we sing in the same neighborhood every year, some people are expecting us and sing along. Others, maybe renters or homeowners new to the neighborhood, are shocked that anyone goes caroling anymore. They take pictures, or call for their family to come to the door. Everyone- absolutely everyone- seems to really enjoy being sung at.


  1. We had carolers at our door last year on Christmas Eve around 11:30pm. They were doing some crazy harmonies and sounded really awesome. The kids were already in bed, so they missed it, but...

    ...after they left, I thought to myself, "Who the hell carols at 11:30 at night except for people that want to break into my house and steal presents?" So, for the rest of the night, the (apparently genetic) paranoia set in and I couldn't sleep wondering if they were going to come back to steal our shit.

  2. I love it that some people still go caroling.
