Monday, August 17, 2009

8 things I appreciate from the 1960s

I think Mad Men starts again soon. I haven't seen it, but I keep thinking I should watch it. I guess I never know when it's on. Heaven knows we watch AMC enough, I see zillions of previews.
I am happy that Mad Men is getting a lot of love, because it puts focus on the 60s, a great decade, I think. I can't say that I have experience with the 60s, as I was born in the 70s. But, still, they seem okay to me. Here are some things I appreciate from the 60s.

*Aprons- I started wearing aprons a few years ago when I started working from home, due to laziness. You see, I would get out of bed and ramble over to the computer, and maybe never change out of my pajamas, which have no pockets. So, if I got up for a cup of coffee or something, I would invariably have to go running back for the phone when it rang. Aprons were the solution- pockets without pants! I could carry my phone wherever I went. I have a collection of vintage aprons, and now I wear them almost all the time I am home.

*big hair- It's on it's way back, if bumpits are any indication. I look like crap with flat hair. I want bangs and big bouffant hairdos to be in style .

* hats and gloves- I am cold a lot, so it would be nice if I could wear a hat and gloves to my kids school or to the store without looking like I was playing dress-up. I may mount a one-woman campaign to bring back hats and gloves.

*skirts- I love skirts, because I am built for skirts, not pants- not because I don't like pants.

*A little chauvinism- I am a girls' girl, and I am all for girl power and fish without bicycles, but I still wait for my husband to open the door for me. I wouldn't want to break a nail.

*country music- at the risk of sounding like a douchebag hipster, country music was just a lot better 40 years ago than it is now. Rascal Flatts aren't fit to lick Johnny Cash's boots. A country boy band? Really?(Isn't she beautiful?!)

*mid century furniture- I live in a Mid Century house, so I appreciate small, low furniture that fits in my small, low house.

*macrame- I would be knotting right now if I could find supplies!

*lawn chairs- We have established that modern lawn furniture is laughable. I just needed an eighth thing.

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