Sunday, August 9, 2009

Things I learned this week

Here I am with my friends from high school, Heather and Erica. We had a great afternoon catching up, and I am excited to do it again soon.
Here is what I learned this week:

* I learned that we let our girlfriends slip away because they remember all the embarrassing and horrible things you did in high school. The good news is (at least in Heather and Erica's case) they understand, because they screwed up too. After all these years, though, we laughed like we used to, and it felt like I was young again, only smarter.

* I came to understand the love for Maggie Gyllenhaal after I watched Secretary. (not a family movie.) She makes sadomasochism adorable! Her Joker mouth will bother me a lot less now.

* Since we are talking about things that I discovered years after the rest of civilization, I also had my first quinoa this week. It's been in my pantry for a month or so. I decided to cook it up, and lo and behold, it is decidedly not bad. Better than brown rice, I say.

1 comment:

  1. you all look just like you did in high school, only better
