Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It seems like August is only two weeks long.

mindbump suggested by Egyptian Home

"Are you looking forward to the next holiday? Why or why not?"

Our next holiday is Labor Day, and I am looking forward to it for three reasons. First, becuase the weather is always nice and hot on Labor Day. Second, (but probably should be first) my husband may get the weekend off, so we could do something fun together as a family. And third, because Labor Day signals the end of summer and the beginning of the school year, which, to me, is more like New Year's Day than January 1. New School Year means new clothes, new notebooks, new shoes. It's time to wear socks again. Even if you don't go to school anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I still like to buy school supplies. For myself. Not sure why I would need some Crayola markers, but there is something really great about fresh school supplies.

    And then, if you just wait until after Labor Day, you can get a lot of those supplies on clearance! Bonus!
