Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I think bee pollen is a little like snake oil.

Lately, my husband and I have been taking a supplement called Sundown Mega Energy, which I found at my favorite store, the Grocery Outlet- or as I call it, the Rainbow Food Store.
I don't know why I bought it the first time- my guess is that I was feeling low on energy that day.
In any case, I took a tablet, and I thought I felt pretty good. So I told Spencer about it. He took a tablet, and he agreed. We don't feel hyped-up or nervous, just good. Like we have more energy.
So today, I googled "Mega Energy" to see what is in the magic tablets. I was wondering if it is like 5 -Hour Energy.
I looked over the list of ingredients, and I saw that it contains bee pollen. And that got me to thinking: What the hell is bee pollen?
If I remember the Birds and the Bees talk correctly, flowers make pollen, bees make honey. Bees get the pollen on their legs and transfer it to other flowers, right?
So is bee pollen just flower pollen?
I learned a lot about honey production last week, but I do not recall any mention of bee pollen.

I don't care what it is I guess. It just made me wonder.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you never know about those energy supplements. Usually they just leave me feeling all jicked-out, with a headache at the end.

    You really liked them, eh?
