Saturday, August 15, 2009

The bottom of the barrel is covered with delicious yogurt.

I have almost nothing interesting to write about today, which leaves me with my go-to topic of late, food.

I made my first fondue tonight, inspired by the "Brewer's crab pot fondue" I had at Mc Menamin's in Vancouver. The fondue I made was not, in my opinion, nearly as delicious, but my husband liked it. It was more parmesan-y and thick than I had hoped, but curiously, my husband and daughter really liked it. We dunked cubes of crusty bread, chicken, zucchini and shrimp. We ate outside, that was nice.

After dinner, I popped open a cup of Rachel's Exotic orange, strawberry and mango (one flavor) yogurt, which I got at the rainbow food store, not Trader Joe's. I bought it because A. it was cheap, 2/$1, and B. the label was pretty.
Holy shit. It's the Best Yogurt Ever. I don't know how to explain it- but it tastes like FOOD. You know how you can taste the too-sweetness of high fructose corn syrup? Well, Rachel doesn't use it. And there's no artificial sweetener taste, either. It tastes like fruit and yogurt and sugar, blended up.
Of course, I've had a couple glasses of wine since, so maybe I am making a big deal out of some average yogurt. I'll try some more tomorrow and report back.

1 comment:

  1. The secret is cream! In the yogurt. I went back and bought more. It tastes like heaven.
