Monday, January 4, 2010

8 things I am going to try in 2010.

I'm not against resolutions. In fact, I am pretty good at keeping them, once I decide to use my Powers of Stubborn for good. Last year I quit smoking, so if I had to choose one resolution for this year, it would be to lose the weight that I gained after I quit. Knowing how difficult it can be to lose weight, I have decided not to make it a resolution, but rather, an... I don't know... strong suggestion to myself. Here are 8 things I am going to focus on this year.

1. Fridays will be Photo Fridays. I will take one photograph on each Friday of the 2010, except the first one, which I missed. (Actually, the photos from Oak Harbor that I posted yesterday were taken on a Friday.) I will post that photo here and write about it.

2. Thursdays shall be Thoughtful Thursdays. I want to be a nicer person, so every Thursday, I shall endeavor to do something extra-nice for someone, and I will blog about it.

3. On Wednesdays, I will try new and exciting recipes and feed them to my family, and I will blog about it.

4. Every Tuesday is Fat Tuesday in 2010 for the Crazy Blog Lady! On Tuesdays, I will blog about the state of my ass. No photos.

5. As part of an ongoing failure mission, I will also attempt to bring organization and order to my life and home. Last week, I had an epiphany about this as I was watching the most fascinating show on television, Hoarders. I was thinking about doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, but then I noticed that Hoarders was on, so I decided to watch it instead, thinking that my kitchen would just look so much cleaner in comparison to the ones on the show. Pretty smart, huh? Well, it turns out that watching the show motivated me to do the dishes during the commercial breaks so that I did not allow my kitchen mess to deteriorate into a moldy sea of sludge worthy of TV. Note to self: Maybe I should start watching the 600 pound man shows....

6. I would like to get rid of many things, and take on less things. In the past, I have tried to practice "mindful consumption," which is to say that I have tried to carefully consider the impact of the things I buy. It is difficult and time-consuming to give such consideration to every item, and therefore it really is not a practical way to tackle a grocery list. This year, I just want to make good choices about what I buy.

7. I'd like to make more friends. I need to work on liking more people, I guess.

8. I want to play more. I want to play active, sports-type games- which will help on Fat Tuesdays- and board games and wii games.

Happy New Year to all my Crazy Blog Friends. Do you have resolutions?


  1. I don't do well with resolutions, but I guess I could try to be more doting.

    Oh, and lose the 10 pounds I've gained since Thanksgiving.

  2. You really like the number eight.
    Don't really do resolutions, but I might think about trying to be a better person.
    In a vague noncommittal sort of way...

  3. I made a resolution similar to #7. Except that I resolve to be MORE of a misanthrope. Should be easy to do.
