Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fat Tuesday- week one

Well, here it is, the first week of 2010, the week I told myself I would start taking my rear end seriously. My plan is to lose 2 pants sizes by exercising. I can't bring myself to do a strict diet. I just like to eat delicious food. I will keep my caboose in mind when I grocery shop, but that is as far as I am willing to go at this point.

I will be using Wii Fit plus, which I find somewhat enjoyable- or at least I did until last night when I did "strength" exercises for the first time. I did 6 lunges on each leg, and today I found that going up and down the stairs at work nearly made me cry. This may be an indicator that I am not in top condition.

The Wii Fit plus measures my BMI, and currently I am at the high end of the "normal" range. It also told me that according to my center of gravity, I have great posture. That sounds fishy to me. I'm a slumper.

So by next Tuesday, I want to have come up with three good workouts and have them saved in the wii. I'm thinking yoga/strength/cardio. I'd like to be able to do 6 lunges on each leg without my trainer encouraging me to make sure my leg is bent at the proper angle. And, I would like to be able to do 5 push-ups.

Wish me luck!


  1. I think this is such a great idea - do 6 lunges for me, too!
