Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fat Tuesday- Plateau edtion

It would seem I have reached a plateau. I've been using the wiiFit more, but I haven't lost much weight. Maybe a pound. I think it has to do with Rachael Ray, more on that tomorrow.

As for the wiiFit, I have to say that I am still impressed. I have been using it for 30 days now, and I have yet to use all the features. This week, I did 30 minutes of stepping- while watching the AFC Championship. I think it's called "Free Step". My "trainer" talked to me through the wii remote, announcing every 100 steps and 10 minutes.
It really was easy, because, I mean, come on, the wii balance board is like an inch high. So I ordered risers yesterday from Amazon.com, I should have them Thursday.
Another new thing I did was 30 minutes of nothing but strength exercises. I accomplished this by using the "my routines" feature- I made what is basically a playlist for the exercises. I did fine until I got to the "For Advanced Users" exercises at the end.
Let me tell you about the world's most difficult exercise, The one-arm stand.
Stand up, raise your right arm so that your elbow is at your ear. Keep your arm perpendicular to the floor at all times.
Now, lie down on the floor, face up, right arm sticking up.
Now, stand up. You can use your left hand to help.
Repeat, 10 times, quickly. I know, it sounds easy.
This exercise works every single muscle below your neck. I am certain of that, because they all complained at me the next day.

This week I am going to try out some more wiiFit features, like "free run". I'm going to use my big-girl step, and I am going to check out the calorie counter, step tracker, and waist measurement rememberer.

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