Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday: Alliterate? Yes. Effective? Not yet.

On Monday, when my husband read my blog, he giggled like a little girl when he got to the part about me being thoughtful on Thursdays. I guess he thought it would be difficult for me.
I guess I thought it would be difficult, too, or I wouldn't have made it an Area of Focus (not a resolution) for 2010. I had no idea how difficult it would be.

From the get-go this morning, my selfishness was tested. I woke up one hour after the alarm was supposed to go off. Spencer says that he heard my alarm go off and I must have shut it off instead of pressing snooze, but I do not recall that at all. I just woke up, saw that I was running an hour late, and loudly said, "Shit." which is how Spencer woke up. Not thoughtful.

We got the daughter off to school and I headed to work, looking for opportunities to be thoughtful. Not easy, as I do not see another soul until 1:00.
I complimented a patient on her earrings. They were gorgeous, and I was sincere.
But I didn't feel that was thoughtful enough.

I looked on Carigslist's "Wanted" section. I thought maybe I could provide something to a young family in need. Instead, I found myself pissed off at the "Xbox 360 and Halo needed! Can't pay anything!" ads.

After work, I got home and thanked Spencer for making dinner. He was thoughtful.

Then, the last opportunity for thoughtfulness presented itself: The Girl Scout Leader Meeting. I hate these monthly meetings with the intensity of 1000 suns. I have been told that attendance is mandatory, although I notice many leaders do not attend. This makes me resentful. I told myself that the most thoughtful thing I could do would be to go to the meeting and be quiet and get it over with.

But I didn't. I made a horribly bitchy smartass remark. Immediately following it, the woman who it was intended to offend got up and left. Her departure was so quick that part of me thinks that she was intending to leasve the meeting early anyway... but what if she wasn't? What if my smart mouth hurt her feelings and she couldn't take it?
That was not very thoughtful of me.
It would be thoughtful if I sent her an email apology.
But not tonight. She really pissed me off.


  1. Oh to be a fly on that wall. Drama at the GS meeting - excellent!

  2. Better luck next week. I give you a 40-60 chance.
