Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fat Tuesday: The culottes don't lie.

Although I was encouraged by this study that finds that people with ample posteriors are at a lower risk of heart disease than those with big bellies, I kept up my Wii Fit work this week.
I made a lot of progress and unlocked the Advanced Level of many of the exercises. I surprised myself by doing particularly well on the balance games.
I unlocked the Advanced Run, which is running in place for 12 minutes. Holy Moly, is that ever boring. I guess I will have to try the Run Plus, which quizzes you on the sights you saw along your route.
This morning, it seemed that the elastic waistband in my knit culottes wasn't straining as much as usual. This evening, I confirmed that I have lost 3 pounds in a week. I think that is the key to the wii fit- it tells me every day that I am getting something accomplished.
Tonight, I did 13 lunges on each leg, and 6 pushups... but the pushups were from my knees.
baby steps.


  1. Wait until the Wii says, "You haven't exercised in 3 days, why are you Bowling?"
    Congrats on the 3 pounds though ;)

  2. good for you! On nice days, you can run outside - Wii won't be able to track you, but it is much less boring.
