Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another tuesday.

I've been diligent about using the wii fit, but I haven't lost any weight this week. I'm getting better at all the games and poses and whatnot, and yesterday I even broke a sweat.
This morning, I did something I have only dreamed about: I got out of bed, awake and refreshed, at 5:00 and did yoga for an hour.
I don't feel any better or worse tonight than I did last night, but I think it was a nice way to start my morning. I didn't even plan it in advance, I just woke up and thought, hey, I would like to salute the Sun.

If I haven't lost a pound or two by next fat Tuesday I am going to have to consider drastic measures such as diet and actual exercise.


  1. Something must be working. Keep up the good work.

  2. Yoga Rocks, doesn't it?
