Friday, January 8, 2010

The house on the corner.

My first photo for Photo Friday is of a house around the corner from mine. You can probably see that it is vacant.

The house was sold about 2 years ago and became a rental. The renters, Paul and Mary, have two teenage kids and two grown sons. One of the grown sons lives on the fringe of society, and the other works with my husband.
Paul and Mary are basically good people, bu they like to smoke dope. Mary got pulled over for a traffic violation, and she had a little dope in the car so she went to jail for a night or two. She also had her teenage daughter in the car. For a while, there was a concern that Mary would be convicted of endangering the welfare of her daughter, but I guess that those charges went away somehow.
Paul lost his job of 15 years recently. Paul and Mary could no longer afford the rent and they were evicted last week.
This family of four faced homelessness, and it happened right in front of me. Fortunately, they have family here in town, the grown son who works with my husband. As of today, Paul, Mary, their teenage son and daughter, Their grown son and his wife and their two small children occupy a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. I wonder how long that will last.


  1. Legalize it already!

  2. Yeah! Then at least Mary could sell it on Ebay!

  3. Poor grown son and wife...

    Love the blog this week...

  4. There, but for the grace of God, go any of us.

  5. Oh to be on the fringe of society... a simpler life, I've heard.
