Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

According to Portland news, shoppers lined up outside Toys R Us spat on each other for cutting in line last night. I wonder what they were lined up for and how much they thought they were saving. I suspect Elmo was involved.

I've got no use for shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. If things I wanted were on sale, it would be a different story, but I don't need a new TV or digital camera.
Well, actually, I do want a new digital camera, but the kind I want never goes on sale, I've learned. I guess I want the ipod of cameras.

I hope people buy a lot of crap- I really want the economy to recover- but I'm not contributing.

1 comment:

  1. I was one of those crazy people at ToysRUs standing in line Thursday/Friday at midnight. A lot of the folks were moms, trying to get their hand on this year's Tickle Me Elmo - the Zhu Zhu pet. It's essentially a battery operated hamster. I guess it's better than owning the real thing because they don't poop. Mazie has been asking for one since September, little did I know that they would be the hottest thing of this season. The only clincher; it was one per person for the first 100. Thankfully, the folks at ToysRUs had enough foresight to print 100 little pieces of golden paper and passed them out to the first 100 people that wanted them.

    Also on the parental radar was the XBox 360 bundle, being sold at the unprecedented price of $229 - which is roughly $100 off.

    I heard a fair share of swear words during my 2 hour wait in line. My cousin, Corey, yelled at the parking lot lurkers and that was hilarious. I also heard a man of color call a Ukrainian dad with a baby in his arms, "motherf%*&er" in a low, growling tone. It was a little scary.

    Only in Tacoma.
