Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day Two: The day after the Meltdown

Today went much better. We got some useful information, like: the company that manufactures Madison's growth hormone will pay our copay for a year, regardless of our income. Also, TS girls have regular size feet. I talked to more parents, one who paid $160,000, all her savings, to buy growth hormone for three years for her daughter because insurance would not cover it. (her daughter grew nine inches, which is amazing) I was encouraged to enroll Madison in the NIH TS study, which involves a week in Bethesda.
I did a lot of observing today.
I observed girls and women with TS. I mentally compared Madison to every single one of them. I don't know if I came to any conclusions. I noticed that without exception, women and girls with TS are friendly and nice, and open.
We watched the talent show.
I guess the most important thing I learned today was that Madison is getting top-notch care. She has had every single test that the TS Physician's advisory board recommends, and her cardiologist is the nation's finest- as far as TS goes. We are fortunate to live near OHSU, where he practices.

Madison had a great time today. She handled snakes, played TS Jeopardy, and got her fingernails painted bright red. We spent an hour or so in the pool. She made a friend, who had to leave tonight- one day early. We are looking forward to tomorrow, when we will learn about visual-spatial issues before we go home- which is maybe what I am looking forward to the most.

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