Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I was not prepared.

I like to be prepared. I overpack. I bring clothes for every possible weather scenario, for each day. I bring too much food. I bring extra batteries, extra hats, extra bandannas.

On this trip, Madison brought an extra tent- one to sleep in, and one to store her extra stuff in. I was secretly proud of how much stuff she brought. She even thought to bring tweezers!

We knew before we left that we would be feeding Spencer's mom, stepfather, two younger brothers and his other recently divorced brother Jeff and Jeff's three kids for some meals. His mother would provide the other meals. Jeff provided children.

It occured to me on day 2 or 3 that Jeff has never in his life packed for trip. Either his mother or his wife did. I also assumed that Jeff was told to just bring the kids, we would take care fo the rest. So that's what he did.

By day 4, I was out of sunscreen, bug spray, juice, chips, beer, pop, clean cups, and Spencer was nearly out of chewing tobacco. Even though I packed 6 chairs for my family of three, I often had to sit on a stump. The extra bar of soap I keep in the trailer was gone. I had planned on providing food, not providing everything.
It was hard not to be irritated. I wonder if I was irritated because my reserves were depleted, or because I hadn't thought to bring more stuff?


  1. That would be 'depletion irritation'. Maybe if someone had given you the memo about Jeff, there would be no depletion issues.

  2. LOL! Depletion Irritation!
    I am trying to be diplomatic, see.
