Saturday, July 11, 2009

Myth: Confirmed

Today was a great day at my house. A Mythbusters marathon started when we got out of bed, and it is still going now, at 7:30 pm, and there hasn't been a repeat. They also aired many episodes that I either hadn't seen, or hadn't seen in a good, long while.

I think Mythbusters is one of the best shows on television. My whole family enjoys it, and we all learn from it. I often hear people remark about things they know to be true or false because they "saw it on Mythbusters."

So, since myths are on my mind today, I would like to offer my expertise in confirming a myth, or old wives' tale.

It is true that people with arthritis can feel the weather changing in their bones.

I don't know how it works exactly, I suspect it has something to do with pressure or temperature... but the day before a big storm rolls in, or a day after a heat wave begins, I get lots of calls at work from folks complaining about unexplained aching. It's not unusual for them to laugh and say "maybe it's the weather..."
It is.

I don't have any "data" or "facts" or "proof", so you are going to have to take my anecdotal word for it. Maybe Adam and Jamie can put it to the test.

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