Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hot enough for ya?

We have established that I enjoy the heat. It was a little too warm today, the water in my pool was 86 degrees. Hardly refreshing...

All snark aside, I do feel sorry for the local news reporters that are sent out to cover Heat Wave '09. They must get so sick of doing the same story year after year... interview with a roofer. Get tips from a veterinarian about keeping Fido cool. Live story from the local water attraction, interview with tatooed guy about how he no A/C, so he came to the pool to cool down.
(I do NOT feel sorry for the same reporters when they are sent to stand by the side of the road in the ice storms to try to catch fender benders on tape. That is pure entertainment, and I get up early for it.)

Yes, it's hot. It's going to stay hot, then it will be September. Just like last year, just like next year.

1 comment:

  1. Let us not forget the stock footage of the throngs of people and empty shelves at Home Depot or Lowe's; completely devoid of air conditioners and fans. There's always someone who sheepishly admits they should have bought one after last year's heat wave...
