Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fly fly free bird

Funny thing: This morning, as I was digging through the pile of clean laundry on the computer room bed, looking for one particular sock, I thought to myself, "This is terrible. I am the happy-but-hopelessly-unorganized flitty mom from Wife Swap." because during the "meet the families" portion of those shows, there is always a shot of the laundry, neither folded nor put away. But I went on with my day, comforted by the realization that the haphazzard mom is always the one I like most.

At about noon, like the rest of the country, I caught wind of the story of Balloon Boy, Falcon Heene, and his supposed trip across the Colorado skies.
My first reaction, when details were sketchy, was that this kid must be the most awesome 6 year old ever. I had visions of a lawn chair tied to some helium party balloons.
When I saw the video of the JiffyPop craft hauling ass accross the sky,I thought, "My, but that is a fancy balloon. I hope that kid knows what he is doing. Also, cool dad."
Then I learned that the family had been on Wife Swap and I understood why I identified with these wacky people. When the balloon landed and Falcon wasn't aboard, I sorta knew he hadn't bailed out because if it is reasonable to assume that a certain kid may be inside a balloon such as his, it is also reasonable to assume he knows what he is doing- or at least he knows enough not to, you know, plummet to his death.
We all know now that Falcon was never in the balloon, that he hid in a box in the attic. I like the story better when he took to the skies, like Max took to the sea to get to Where the Wild Things Are.

1 comment:

  1. Falcon is a cool name for a kid who flies, not so much for a kid who hides in the attic.
    Is there a story germ in here somewhere?
