Thursday, October 22, 2009

I do pooh pooh you, hulu.

Today, hulu announced that sometime in 2010, they will begin to charge for content. Which means that I won't use hulu anymore. I will have to watch my programs when they are broadcast on TV, which means I will watch less TV. Oh well, easy come, easy go, I guess.

What pisses me off about TV is this: Networks and affiliates sell time to advertisers in order to bring me programs for free. This is good wampum. The wampum starts to go bad when I pay for cable, and the cable operators and cable networks sell time to advertisers so that I have to watch commercials during programming that I pay for. Either I pay, and get no ads- or Procter and Gamble pays, and I get ads. Those are my terms.
Those aren't my husbands terms, however. His terms are we will pay whatever necessary in order to watch live sports. Therefore, we pay for cable TV.

I won't pay for hulu, and I predict there are plenty of people like me, or, maybe even worse for hulu- people like me with TiVo or Netflix subscriptions, who get content on demand. Hulu is neat because it's free and easy. The minute they ask for an email address and a credit card number, they will go the way of Napster.


  1. I agree - I won't pay for something twice, either. I don't even like having to pay once for most of it. and if we aren't careful, we may soon have to pay for internet access or content. Now you have me all ticked off .... I have to go buy something I don't need.

  2. Well, maybe you could go on the prowl for free video watchin' - it'll be like finding a cashmere jacket at the thrift store.

    I know you'll find something.
