Friday, October 16, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

There are a few things I know by heart. I know e.e. cummings' poem "buffalo bill's". I know the Pledge of Allegiance, I know the Lord's prayer, the Apostle's Creed and Hail Mary, and I know Where the Wild Things Are.
I've loved the story since my mom read it to me when I was little and I bought the book for my daughter before she was born. I love the illustrations and I love the mischief and I really love Max.
So I was a little skeptical when I heard they were making a movie. A little happier when I heard Spike Jonze was directing the film he wrote, because I like Jackass, and also, Drew Barrymore dated Spike Jonze and I think she has good taste. But still a little skeptical. What could he put on film to fill two hours?
The story is Maurice Sendak's, (who produced the film, which I did not know until the end credits) with a few tweaks that surprised me, but I guess don't really change the story. The middle, which Jonze fills in, makes perfect sense.
The Place Where the Wild Things Are is visually stunning. The Wild Things themselves look perfect. What's really great is that the Wild Things get names and personalities, and they are perfect. Now I love the Wild Things, too...which makes sense, since they are each parts of Max's psyche. We get to take a trip into a 10 year old boy's head.
I have to admit, I began crying about 3 minutes in, and never really stopped. By the time Max left in his boat, I couldn't breathe through my nose and I couldn't see. I had to get to the restroom to blow my nose and dry my face, even though I knew it meant I would miss the last part of the movie. I told myself that I would get to watch it over and over again when I buy it on DVD the first day it comes out. It was that good.


  1. I have to and hate to admit, I have never read this story to my kids. I'm not sure we own the book. Yes, I am sure - we don't own the book. It's one of those books that's on my list of 'books to buy the kids', along with several shel silverstein publications. I just haven't bought them. Bad parenting? I dunno.

    I'm curious, however, what made you so emotional about the movie?

  2. Not having seen the movie, I am not surprised that you cried; you cried the first few times I read it to you.

    I am so glad it is as good as the book. few movies are.
