Monday, May 25, 2009

8 ways I am patriotic

I'm not a flag-flying patriot. I don't like Toby Keith and I don't know much about Nascar. Somehow, it seems to me, Sarah Palin's "Real Americans" have done to Old Glory what the GLBT community has done to the rainbow- taken it over.
I see flag car magnets, and flag tablecloths, and flag colored flags that aren't really Old Glory. I see flag shirts, flag flip-flops, flag coolers, flag beer coozies.
Do I love America less because I find these things tacky? I don't think so. I am a patriot. I love my country. Here are 8 ways I show it.

* I pay my taxes. Freedom isn't free, and neither are MREs. I would pay my taxes even if it were optional. The same cannot be said for comprehensive RV insurance.

* I pay attention to the news. I do my best to thoughtfully consider what is fact, what is innuendo, and what is opinion.

* I vote. I have voted in every election, from presidential to water district board since Oregon made 100% of elections vote-by-mail.

* I volunteer. We all share this country. I believe we should all pitch in.

* I try to buy American. However, it isn't easy. American-made goods are difficult to find, and often prohibitively expensive. Everything else equal, I consider the American worker.

* I support small businesses. Small business is the backbone of our nation. I try to shop mom and pop.

* I ride my bike. I think our dependence on Middle Eastern oil is crippling our country. I conscientiously try to reduce my family's gasoline bill by riding my bicycle when I can.

* I recognize that we are a nation of immigrants. Just because my ancestors got here early, doesn't mean they got "dibs".

I am taking time today at 3:00, as congress asks us all to do, to consider the sacrifices our service men and women have made and continue to make so that we may enjoy our freedoms on this day.
Thank You.

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