Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today I participated in the Eugene Marathon. No, I didn't run 26.2 miles... I walked 3.2 miles in the pre-race 5k. I walked with my cousin Megan, and her sister Kelby ran. They came
all the way from Washington to do this 5k!
I have run 5ks before. I do okay. I entered quite a few small races in the Eugene area a few years ago, and I have medals from winning my age group. Usually I was the only one in my age group. I don't like running itself, but I do like setting goals, and I get competitive when I am out there.
Due to Megan's painful knees, we decided about a month ago to walk this one. I was not too disappointed not to run, since I hadn't been training at all. Spending an hour on a walk with my cousin sounded really nice. After all, how much visiting and giggling can you do if you are huffing and puffing?
So I was packing up the gear I would need last night: a camera, my phone, keys, and a little money. I thought since we were walking, I could take a to-go cup of coffee. I thought all this stuff looked kinda cumbersome, and I didn't want to take my purse, so I opted to strap on a fanny pack.
Fanny packs should be called "freedom pouches". My fanny pack has two cup holders, just like my car. I put my gear in the main compartment, my coffee cup in one of the cup holders, and I slipped in a pack of lunchmeat and a Kraft single in case I needed a nibble on the course. I was able to walk unfettered. No purse banging into my hip. Nothing weighing my pockets down. My hands were free to clap and wave and give a thumbs-up.
Megan and Kelby laughed at my pack... until Kelby needed a place to put her keys. Then, they respected the pouch. Maybe.
Look, I am not saying that fanny packs are cool. They aren't... they are ugly and dorky, but they certainly are useful. In fact, at the "expo" there was a vendor selling SPIbelts, which are marketed as belts, but in truth are really teeny, stretchy, freedom pouches that don't bounce when you run. They look cool, but where do you put your coffee cup and your lunchmeat?

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