Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things I learned this week

We went fishing today, where I learned that no matter how much state-of-the-art gear and tackle a kid has available, a kid will likely choose to tie a piece of found leader to a stick and drop it three inches from shore.
I learned some other things, too.

* Former Mariners pitcher Randy Johnson is good friends with my Rock Star boyfriend, Eddie Vedder. I never really cared much about the Big Unit before... But I figure he must be an okay guy if Eddie hangs out with him.

* I learned that my cousin's son Jack is on a unicycle team. He's 9.

* I learned that a nine year-old ran a marathon today. Two things make me happy about this kid: 1. His parents seem to have a good perspective on this. His dad ran the marathon with him, and set the pace- to keep the kid from running too fast. The kid was happy to run, and sprinted the last 3/4 mile to the finish, which indicates he was not exhausted. 2. The kid's name is Bill. I love that. No one names their kids Bill or Jeff or Tom or Jeremy anymore.

*Speaking of Jeremy, I was saddened to learn that my friend Jeremy lost his friend Jeff in Iraq last year. I hate IEDs. This war makes me wish we still did it civil war style, where soldiers marched to battle prepared to fight and prepared to die, but with a leader and a plan and a drummer. None of this side of the road surprise bullshit. I wonder: if we still fought wars that way, would battles become like sporting events, televised with real-time commentators and telestrators?


  1. So sorry for your friend's friend. It sucks that anyone has to lose their life in this silly war.

    Jack is 9, but he sounds way more exciting as a 7 year old unicyclist.

    By the way, since bicycles are called bikes and tricycles are called trikes, we affectionately call unicycles, 'yikes'.

  2. I corrected Jack's age. That's cute, about "yikes". Something else I learned.
