Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bacon bits

Bacon: it's everywhere. Bacon has become the poster meat for all that is not healthy, but delicious. Bacon Enthusiasts espouse the salty virtues of the salty product like Amway salesmen.
Bacon Salt is a hot new product- you can make everything taste like bacon. There is bacon dipped in chocolate, a bacon blog, a bacon bra, bacon scarves, bacon appreciation societies... ugh. Enough.

Bacon, I declare your moment over. Baconophilia, like all fads, has dragged on too long. Like Levi's 501s, you are an American staple. 501s enjoyed a popularity surge in the 80s- they became a "trendy classic". Where are they now? Back where they belong, in the workwear department. Some things are meant to be taken for granted, and you, bacon, are one of them.

I am sure there are baconistas out there who would argue that bacon is too delicious to be relegated to the everyday food category, with eggs and cheese. These are people who likely drink Pabst Blue Ribbon because it's cool, not because it's cheap. The same fanboys who bought SPAM cookbooks 10 years ago.

I'm not saying bacon is no good. Bacon is fine. What bothers me is the bacon hype. It's played out. Let's move on. Let us put another regular food on a pedestal!

Canned tuna... Is there anything it can't do?


  1. So, there's many a person out there who think that Jason looks like Kevin Bacon. He even went as Kevin Bacon for Halloween one year. It wasn't a difficult costume.

    In that sense, I would say, yeah, Bacon is overrated...

    There are also many things you can do with ham, or havarti cheese...or...

  2. Well Jason *does* bear more than a passing resemblance...

    Onions are underrated, too.
