Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mean Girls

On Wednesday, my daughter got in trouble at soccer practice because she was fighting with another girl. A girl that she considers her best friend, whom she has known (and fought with) since kindergarten.
What Madison told us was that she was hyped up on sugar and her "friend" wouldn't stop joking about Madison's brand new but uncomfortable shoes, which were exactly the same as the friend's, so Madison kicked her in the shinguard. The only explanation Madison could offer for why she would kick her friend was that she was feeling "tense".

Today at the game, the friend was absent. Madison's coach approached me as I walked the sideline as a referee to tell me that she had talked to the other girls about watching what they say about Madison. She told me that she has heard the friend and others saying mean things about Madison within Madison's earshot . The coach told me that they tease her about being small, and not able to run as fast as the other girls. This was the first time I had ever heard of Madison being teased.

It's a good thing I was wearing sunglasses. The field went a little blurry for a while. I've always known that kids can be mean. I guess I didn't think her friend would turn on her. Ever since we found out that Madison has Turner Syndrome, I have been trying to prepare her for the comments she will invariably hear. I should have been trying to prepare myself as well.

It's probably also a good thing her friend wasn't there. She reached her educational plateau in elementary school, and I was angry enough to maybe mention it.
I'd like to think I'm mature enough to restrain myself. I'd like to think I wouldn't kick her in the shinguard.

Madison, I know you read my blog- here is a link just for you. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. LAME! I guess what I think of mean girls is the one phrase my dad repeats, "There are big circles and there are small circles, but they all go around..." Yes, this is infinite Jim wisdom, but it's true.

    All the mean girls I went to school with that teased me about my hair, my big boobs, my second-hand wardrobe - they all went on to have crazy, fucked-up lives. I secretly gloat when I think about how uneventfully blissful my life has been.

    Madison, you keep on keeping on. It's a hard road to ho, but you keep your head up and you'll come out smelling like a's been done many times. And it's ok to feel tense sometimes and just kick the bitches in the shins.
