Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Long odds and aspirations

Yesterday, I found this post at Lifehacker. They are looking for a new writer. I read their post, thinking, "someday... that would be fun."
I re-read the post, and the comments. I was struck by how enthusiastically some very poor writers announced their intentions to apply.
I read that post and the comments six or seven, maybe more, times. Each time I read it I got a little more intrigued, a little more interested, a little more inspired.
I sort of have what they are looking for: I can explain things in simple terms, I am consumed by a desire to save time and money and energy, I dig doing it myself. I have a blog.
I typed out a quick and dull email with a link to my blog, but before I sent it, I talked to my husband. He has a knack for gently getting my head out of the clouds. I told him that I understand that the odds of Lifehacker choosing me are ridiculously tiny. He nodded and said, "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take."
So I took a shot. I sent the email.
Without a doubt, there are many more qualified applicants out there. People with experience, or technical expertise, or a better way with words. Perhaps others have blogged about topics more relevant to the average Lifehacker reader. None of that makes a whit of difference to me, because I had an epiphany after I clicked the "send" button. It's as if I found my true calling.

I am an aspiring writer.

I'm not sure what the difference is between "aspiring writer" and "writer", but I suspect compensation is involved. I suppose if I am going to "aspire", I should continue to seek publication and/or compensation. I should find an audience other than my friends and family. I think part of the fun of being an aspiring writer is similar to the being a starving artist- It's fun, it's funky, it's exhilarating- without any of the pressure of being an actual writer like deadlines, critics, and editors. I may be an aspiring writer for the rest of my life, and that is fine with me. I am delighted to aspire. For now, at least.

Photo: Milena Mihaylova

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! I think you're a great writer and they'd be missing out if they didn't take you.

    And hooray for Spencer - he's a wise owl.
