Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I may end up in a VAN down by the RIVER.

mindbump suggested by

"Have you completed most of your goals in life? And if not, what are your current goals?"

Ahhh, goals. I don't want to be a Goal Achiever. I'm not interested in pursuing my dreams, unlocking my hidden potential, or reaching for the stars. I think that mentality leads people to focus on what is missing in their lives.

I recognize the value in setting lofty goals. The hunger for something better, for change, is what drives many people to pull themselves out of poverty or free themselves from addiction. Where would the world be without Goal Achievers? Here's a story about how goals can save lives.

I'm just not a go-getter. I'm a here-I-am-er. Here I am, this is my life, it's good. Sure, I've got problems. One thing I have learned is that everyone has problems. For the most part, I can handle mine.

Don't I want more out of life? More what? More free time? I'd likely waste it. More money? I am certain I would waste it. More stuff? Please, no. More love from my family? Impossible.

Don't get me wrong, I am not completely without direction. I've got some financial goals, and I am trying to find my ideal weight. I admire marathon runners, maybe someday I'd like to do that. To be completely honest, I do wish I had a college degree, and someday I might do that, too- especially now that I know I want to be an aspiring writer when I grow up. I don't set goals per se, but I do keep a to-do list.

What I want out of life is for my family to be happy. I don't want to have to worry about money. I want to be healthy. I want to continue to learn new things and make new friends. I want to laugh a lot.

I am trying to live my life somewhere between Tony Robbins and Winnie the Pooh. I want to enjoy what I have, be proud of my accomplishments, find simple pleasures. I guess those are my goals.

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