Monday, September 7, 2009

8 folks I want to thank for working on Labor Day

* Gas Station Guy- Can you imagine what would happen if gas stations were closed on holidays? A whole lot of bad news, that's what.

* Mini-Mart lady- back in my smoking days, I could always count on Mini Mart lady showing up to work just to sell me a pack of butts. I'm sure she sells other important things to other people, too.

* Mr. DJ- Holidays would be eerily quiet without the folks at the radio station pressing the buttons. I appreciate the noise.

* Simple Carry-out Boy- I am pretty sure you get stuck with the crummy shifts because you cheerfully smile and say "Yes, ma'am" to anything. Do you know you're appreciated?

* Fast Food Grill Guy Who May be my Brother in Law- Those burgers aren't going to wrap themselves, and thanks to you, we can all have hot fries, even on a holiday.

* Air Traffic Controllers- I don't think we verbalize our gratitude to you enough. I can walk outside, confident that I am safe from falling aircraft, even on holidays, thanks to you.

* Barmaid- thanks for keeping the drunks corralled, while most of us are getting drunk with our families, they can get drunk with you.

* Strippers- thanks for keeping the pervs off the street. Civilization just may fall apart if you ladies took a day off. Happy Labor Day to you.